You might get something out of this site if:

You think an awesome experience is something everyone else always has
You think adventure is looking at the ladies dainties in the Sears Catalog :)
You've got more cousins than Carters' got little pills
You find people are always telling you that you're definitely the most interesting person they've ever met
You don't like high stress jobs. Like when your husband tells you that you've got to the mow the lawn TWICE this year.

If the idea of that kind of life gets you down
Just wait until you discover what living life on the road is really like.


"Always follow own life plan, otherwise GPS lead you to dead end!"
--The Great Kiva

There are lots of buttons and links here, some might go somewhere, most probably don't. Even I, smart as I am :) ain't got'em all figured out yet. But like some feller said, "It ain't the destination, it's how many times you got to repair the brakes during the journey, otherwise you might not be able to stop when you get to where you didn't know you were going."

Don't worry about what this website costs. You get the RV Dreamers bug you'll learn right quick you'll need to keep every penny you got. :) But if your a real smart feller and come up with a way of gettin' people to send you money so you can live it up, keep it to yourself. Cause if someone else does it, it might chip away at your good fortune.

Oh, one last thing, if you just got to support something, Support Our Troops, they're keeping our country safe so we can live this life.

This website is dedicated to my grandpap who always said, "Boy, you got a knack for doing the dumbest things." And how could I forget my city feller cousin (the one whose name I never learned) and his cute wife :):), who gave Nilda and me the RV Dreamers bug when they told us about the Great Kiva on the day they got lost.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Newlies, The RV Series 007

I.M. thinkin’ the last post in this series might have given some folks a fright, it bein’ so blunt and all, but that are all part of the weedin’ out process on the rode to becomin’ a full time, fulltime RV mobile, mobile home life livin’ type of person. We are now on that rode to the place we are takin’ a look see at the newest of the new, the greenest of the green, the newlie.

Now I.M. ain’t know dummy and he knows that most folks reference these folks as newbies, but as yer a knowin’ by now, the path them folks take ain’t the trail bein’ blazed by the true trail blazer of the RV bloggerin’ world. With that out of the way, let us take a gander at just what a newlie are ain’t not. They, though they may be one or several, are not dreamin’ about livin’ the full time RV mobile, mobile life, nor are they themownselves living in a house with someonebody who are a ifnheel or ifnsheel. On the other hand, they is past the wantsta satage but afore the Imas and the Ustas, all of which means they is none other than newlies. See how easy that were to describe them not.

So havin’ declared what they is not, just what is they? The answer to that are so so simple, that if you don’t know it, yer not interested in the full time RV mobile, mobile home lifestye. Knowin’ that, we will not be dwellin’ on what yer already a knowin’ but will be movin’ on to a much more deeper in depth discussion of the newlie and their ways. Fer some folks bein’ a newlie are like a kid that just wandered into the biggest and bestest candystore they did ever see. Fer others it makes their most frightful night mare seem all cuddly cozy like young foal in comparison. Unfortunately yer a gonna have to wait until next week to hear the rest of the story, as that feller were always a sayin'. Well he were a sayin' after the commericial, but we ain't got none of them there things here, so it are gonna be next week.

1 comment:

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sometimes I understand so much of what you say that I think I must be severely intelligent.