You might get something out of this site if:

You think an awesome experience is something everyone else always has
You think adventure is looking at the ladies dainties in the Sears Catalog :)
You've got more cousins than Carters' got little pills
You find people are always telling you that you're definitely the most interesting person they've ever met
You don't like high stress jobs. Like when your husband tells you that you've got to the mow the lawn TWICE this year.

If the idea of that kind of life gets you down
Just wait until you discover what living life on the road is really like.


"Always follow own life plan, otherwise GPS lead you to dead end!"
--The Great Kiva

There are lots of buttons and links here, some might go somewhere, most probably don't. Even I, smart as I am :) ain't got'em all figured out yet. But like some feller said, "It ain't the destination, it's how many times you got to repair the brakes during the journey, otherwise you might not be able to stop when you get to where you didn't know you were going."

Don't worry about what this website costs. You get the RV Dreamers bug you'll learn right quick you'll need to keep every penny you got. :) But if your a real smart feller and come up with a way of gettin' people to send you money so you can live it up, keep it to yourself. Cause if someone else does it, it might chip away at your good fortune.

Oh, one last thing, if you just got to support something, Support Our Troops, they're keeping our country safe so we can live this life.

This website is dedicated to my grandpap who always said, "Boy, you got a knack for doing the dumbest things." And how could I forget my city feller cousin (the one whose name I never learned) and his cute wife :):), who gave Nilda and me the RV Dreamers bug when they told us about the Great Kiva on the day they got lost.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thoughts on Increasing RV Blog Readership

Backin’ up a second here, it also matters whether y'all is writin’ to make money off’n that blog; or if’n yer a tryin’ to provide informations to yer friends and relatives; or iff'n yer just a writin’ fer the fun of writin’. Now some folks will say it becomes “work” when yer a trying to make money off yer writin’, but I.M. tellin’ ya that if’n yer good at writin’ it sure ain’t work, it are fun. It’s just that sometimes it are less fun than othes. But if y’all really do have the inability to write real good, then folks is gonna get to laughin’ at you, and not at yer blog, which aren’t not what yer a wantin’ at all. Now not everybodies got natural talent like I.M. has gots, but fer them that does, the words just come a pourin’ out onto the screen.

I.M. thinkin’ that by now ya knows whether y’all got the talent or not, cause if’n yer wife, husband or partner is a yawnin’ and a noddin’ off when they’s reedin’ yer output, perhaps yer not needin’ any more input from them cause they’s already give it to you. But if y’all don’t got I.M.'s talent, y'all can be sure that there are someone out there that are more than willin’ to take yer money so they can make some money. It are like that drawin’ advertizement in the magazine that my cousin Buster answered.

Old Buster couldn’t draw a stick figure when he were in first grade and his ability in that arena got worse the older he got. Still he had this dream of bein’ the next Rembrandt painter feller even though his high school guidance counselor done told him that he should put his talents towards bein’ the next house painter instead. Well he sent that drawin’ advertizement test in, and they told him he had art talent, lots of art talent, and a bunch of money later they was still a tellin’ him he had talent, they just weren’t a lettin’ him know where that talent should be used, so he just kept a paintin’ pictures that nobody wanted.

Buster ended up usin’ those there paintings to patch holes in his roof, them canvases being at least good fer that, what with Buster usin’ oil paints and all. I.M. can only tell it like it are, and now maybe you folks a writin’ withouts the talent I.M. has gots can understands why some blogs are good and others, like this one, are so grate.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Newlies, The RV Series 007

I.M. thinkin’ the last post in this series might have given some folks a fright, it bein’ so blunt and all, but that are all part of the weedin’ out process on the rode to becomin’ a full time, fulltime RV mobile, mobile home life livin’ type of person. We are now on that rode to the place we are takin’ a look see at the newest of the new, the greenest of the green, the newlie.

Now I.M. ain’t know dummy and he knows that most folks reference these folks as newbies, but as yer a knowin’ by now, the path them folks take ain’t the trail bein’ blazed by the true trail blazer of the RV bloggerin’ world. With that out of the way, let us take a gander at just what a newlie are ain’t not. They, though they may be one or several, are not dreamin’ about livin’ the full time RV mobile, mobile life, nor are they themownselves living in a house with someonebody who are a ifnheel or ifnsheel. On the other hand, they is past the wantsta satage but afore the Imas and the Ustas, all of which means they is none other than newlies. See how easy that were to describe them not.

So havin’ declared what they is not, just what is they? The answer to that are so so simple, that if you don’t know it, yer not interested in the full time RV mobile, mobile home lifestye. Knowin’ that, we will not be dwellin’ on what yer already a knowin’ but will be movin’ on to a much more deeper in depth discussion of the newlie and their ways. Fer some folks bein’ a newlie are like a kid that just wandered into the biggest and bestest candystore they did ever see. Fer others it makes their most frightful night mare seem all cuddly cozy like young foal in comparison. Unfortunately yer a gonna have to wait until next week to hear the rest of the story, as that feller were always a sayin'. Well he were a sayin' after the commericial, but we ain't got none of them there things here, so it are gonna be next week.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Increasing RV Blog Readership

It has now come time fer I.M. to be givin' ya’ll some more help regardin' yer RV blog as I.M. has done on occasion over these here past few months. There is many ways to provide this advice on the subject of RV blogging, but knownin’ that most all y’all reeders is as sharp as I.M., meanin' that all y’all also has the ability to uncomprehend the comprehendable, here are some detailed RV blog writin’ advices.

A common question now that yer a writin’ such a good blog are, how can I gits more folks to be a reedin’ it? Since I.M. is the undisputed master voice of the RV boggersphere, the first thing ya needs to do is to be willin’ to experimentation a bit. Fer example, supposin’ y’all meets up with yer good friends Billy Ray, Bonnie Kay, Raylene Ruth, Ricky Rufus, Henrietta Earlene and Howard Elrod, with the plan bein’ that all eight of y’all are a gonna go out fer something to fill yer bellies and wet yer whistles. The question we’s got asks of ourownselves is just how do we write about that there table clearin’ experience where y’all drunk and ate everything y’all could gits yer mouths on.

Now if’n yer interested in the masses a reedin’ yer blog yer, but what y’all do are to go on and on a listin’ them names to the point that every other word are Ricky said or Billy said, Raylene ate or Earlene ate, Bonnie drunk or Howard drunk, that sure ain’t no good writin’. That are cause them folks are about as interestin’ to the most of yer reeders as are a dead skunk a layin’ on the road. In fact, the only folks that are gonna be interested in what y’all wrote are them folks yer a writin’ about and chances are even them folks will stop readin’ as soon as you stop mentionin’ their own names, it are so boring to read. I.M. knows it are hard fer some folks to be a hearin’ this, but you don’t git to be I.M. by avoiding the oblivious like this.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yet Even More FAQ's

Continuing the RV-Dreamers:):):) tradition, here is another set of FAQ's.

Being a solo RV’er, I find it difficult to back into a site by myself. Short of asking another camper to help, what suggestions do you have?

It are very simple, always get a pull thru site. Of course that only works if y’all don’t have no trouble drivin’ forward, which considerin’ yer problem with goin’ backards it are highly likely goin' forward are also a problem. Sorry to be bringin’ ya the bad news, but this RV thing ain’t fer everybody even if there are some folks that make their money tellin’ y’all that you can do it, no matter how stupid y'all is.

Are there any helpful hints you can give your readers about cooking on the road?

I.M. would not recommendation that you do it. It are a lot harder than you think it might be, even though it are right handy and economical, especially if’n yer in Arizona or someplace hot like that. There are reasons why they have them kitchens in mobile, mobile homes and you should use them. Basically, it are far too dangerous to cook on the road, especially if there are any truck traffic on it. And after them dumb questions I.M. has been gettin' it are nice to have a reasonable one fer a change.

I’ve always wondered how people like you and Nilda who travel from place to place get your mail?

It are amazing how hard some folks make this here full time mobile, mobile home life out to be. When we need to get our mail we just go to the post office where we had it sent to and pick it up. Course if it are email you’re a talkin’ bout, then you just get it off the computer. I can’t believe folks can’t figure these things out by their ownselfs.