You might get something out of this site if:

You think an awesome experience is something everyone else always has
You think adventure is looking at the ladies dainties in the Sears Catalog :)
You've got more cousins than Carters' got little pills
You find people are always telling you that you're definitely the most interesting person they've ever met
You don't like high stress jobs. Like when your husband tells you that you've got to the mow the lawn TWICE this year.

If the idea of that kind of life gets you down
Just wait until you discover what living life on the road is really like.


"Always follow own life plan, otherwise GPS lead you to dead end!"
--The Great Kiva

There are lots of buttons and links here, some might go somewhere, most probably don't. Even I, smart as I am :) ain't got'em all figured out yet. But like some feller said, "It ain't the destination, it's how many times you got to repair the brakes during the journey, otherwise you might not be able to stop when you get to where you didn't know you were going."

Don't worry about what this website costs. You get the RV Dreamers bug you'll learn right quick you'll need to keep every penny you got. :) But if your a real smart feller and come up with a way of gettin' people to send you money so you can live it up, keep it to yourself. Cause if someone else does it, it might chip away at your good fortune.

Oh, one last thing, if you just got to support something, Support Our Troops, they're keeping our country safe so we can live this life.

This website is dedicated to my grandpap who always said, "Boy, you got a knack for doing the dumbest things." And how could I forget my city feller cousin (the one whose name I never learned) and his cute wife :):), who gave Nilda and me the RV Dreamers bug when they told us about the Great Kiva on the day they got lost.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How the They Hatey Weighty Program Works

Weight reduction, are it possible, and if so are it enuff? Them two things is what the Hatey Weighty program are all abouts. The three parts is, taken it off, taken off enuff, and keepin’ it off. Some folks approach it as a long term project taken off a little at a time just like the weight come on. Others think that major surgery, are the best approach. But the best thing about the Hatey Weighty program are that no matter what approach are used the results are the same.

The first thing to do are to find out just what yer weight are supposed to be, the next step are getting’ rid of the excess, and then keepin’ it off. The place to get what the weight are now is probably gonna be based on where y’all is when y’all decides to get weighed. It may be a truck stop or a lumber yard fer example, or if yer at one of the rally’s, then there’s often times the safety foundation folks that has scales and can weigh all yer wheels independent like.

What ever place you have it done, and the wheel by wheel are the best, y’all needs to check yer weight tag and see just how much of a bulge around the middle, that RV of yer’s has gots. All this mind you, is previous to the actual implementation of the Hatey Weighty program, it being outside the scope of the HW program to assistance you on the weighin’.

So here we is at the point of implementationing the foremost RV weight loss program possibly yet devised. If’n ya just got yer front and rear axles weighed, you need to gits yer scale out and and take out enuff over which ever axle are overweight to get down to the proper weight. If it are wheel weights y’all gots, then take out things from over whichever wheel to lighten the load. Then get it weighed again soon to make sure yer weighin’ what ya should be. There’s also the right tire pressure as well which are outside the confines of the Hatey Weighty program. Hatey Weighty being informative in nature rather than technical.

I.M. figurin’ that y’all are wonderin’ just how I.M. could be smart enuff to figure all this out, but really it weren’t nothin’.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Understanding the Hatey Weighty Weight Lose Program

Now that I.M. has writtened about how it were the idea fer the Hatey Weighty program come to be, it are time to explanation exactly what the Hatey Weighty program are. I.M. are also mighty sorrowful that the postin’s has been on the skimpy side of lately, but the refining of the Hatey Weighty program has been more time consumptioning than usual, plus Ol’ 5th wheel has been acting up or breakin’ down again, take yer pick of how to description it.

Remember them good old days when things weren’t packed in as tight as they is now? When things was a little looser in some areas? That were when folks was a complimentin’ yer look and the smiles they was a givin’ y’all was proof. So what happened? Middle age caught up with that’s what, soon followered by old age, or as some likes to reference it, the mature years. :)

Fer some it means that tire size has greatly increased and fer others the old spring has been sprung. You can tell from the way yer now bottoming out that things is certainly not the way they used to be fer sure. And that dear reeders are what the Hatey Weighty program are all about, discoverin’ where all them extra pounds has come from and how to take them off.

Originally when the idea fer the Hatey Weighty program first come to I.M., I.M. were havin’ more than a might bit of troubles comin’ up with a name. There’s the Weight Watcherstm and Jenny Craigtm fer example and it were while thinkin’ on them that the first name fer this outstanding program come to mind. Tryin' to combine all that into the best of all descriptions, it seemed natural to call it the I.M. Vayne Weight Loss Program fer the Over Weight.

Now Nilda are the nicest, most considerate person in the whole world, but I.M. are afraids that when Nilda heard that, she were not very nice and most inconsiderate to I.M. as fer as her comments regarding what the program were to be called. So now y’all know more about it and how it gots to be named, next time I.M. will explanation how it are supposed to work.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Newlies, The RV Series 007, Part II

So exactly what are it that makes the way the newlie looks at the fulltime Rv mobile, mobile home way of livin’ like a candy store or a nightmare.?

The major factor in all this is if’n there are a former ifnheel or ifnsheel along, the reason being that glass half empty or less than full thing. The ifnheel or ifnsheel usually weren’t none to happy about this in the first place, so any little thing that can go wrong, does. Now y’all might get lucky and have that one in a hundred that actually takes to likin’ this way of livin’ but the odds are yer gonna be most miserable fer as long as yer a doin’ this.

Opposite this are the, “there ain’t nothin’ that can go wrong, life are a peach and you are the cream”, type of newlie or newlies. These are them fer which the glass are half full and what they been drinkin’ are the best drink they done ever tasted. Sure they had a flat tire the first day out, but look at the nice people they met at the tire shop and then again at the bank when they took out that loan to get the side of the trailer replaced what the tire ripped off when it come apart.

Course them bein’ newlies and all, they ain’t realized that it were cause that trailer were so overloaded due to all of mama’s sewin’, craft and hobby stuff, as well as the old man a haulin’ along every tool he got and then some new ones he figured he might need, and that are leavin’ out the fact they has got enough clothes packed to keep half the people in three states in clothing fer a couple of years, come global warming, or global freezing.

Still it don’t matter, cause they is a doin’ it, it bein’ livin’ the full time RV mobile, mobile home lifestye. Now I.M. understandin’ this probably don’t give you as much informations about newlies as you were a wantin’ but like I.M. were a sayin’ afore, these early posts in this series is just meant to be the broad brush stokes on the canvas of this here life me and Nilda is a livin’.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

More FAQ’s

There are a never endin’ stream of questions that RV mobile, mobile home folks have. Since I.M. are the source fer answers to the question that ain’t even been thought of yet, it are easy for I.M. to answer the ones that most folks actually got.

We are looking for the best nesting cookware available. What do you recommend?

I.M. thinkin’ that some folks take the most unusual pets along with them when they take up this fulltime way of livin’, like them toad folks from a week ago. Now in this case I ain’t recommending y’all talk to the animal head lady as I can answer this one myownself. If it are a parakeet or canary then a one quart pan are plenty big enuff. If it are bigger like a parrot or Macaw you will need a large stock pot. If it are a ostrich y’all shouldn’t even think of fulltime RV’ing. PS, with them first two types, them pots work real good to also cook them there poultry should you decide they is a real pain to keep as pets.

I have a built in dishwasher at my stix and brix. What do you recommend when I go fulltiming?

Them jokers that sits around the camperfires would say to use the same one y’all had at home, only I.M. are too smart to fall fer that. If’n yer a single RV person, has a big enuff RV, and stays in Campergrounds with full hookups, why not have one one installed. It are yerownselfs life yer livin’ so why not make it easy if’n y’all can. Fer them that are travelin’ with a partner person, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with doin’ like Nilda does. She says that if’n she are to do the cookin’ and the cleanin’, then I.M. are the one doin’ the drying and the puttin’ away. I.M. rememberin’ how, when Nilda first explained that to me, she were a holdin’ a big old skillet in her hand, so there weren’t no hesitation to agreein’ with her. Sometimes it ain’t always exactly what y’all says, it is how it are said that matters, somethin’ that Nilda are right good at.